Thursday, September 25, 2008

College students...

Yes I used to be a college student not too long ago and this post is dedicated to those numerous individuals who are still in college. Um so yeah, when I was an undergrad, I was sort of self-absorbed and kind of always immersed in my own world. I would just go about my day and think about 'my' life and 'my' world. One day however, my darling sister Naima, told me that 'hey ungrateful piece of ****, you never say thank you to the bus drivers while getting off the bus'. At first I was like 'what is she on?' but then I realized that I kind of didn't do that. Well that was some 4 odd years ago. I have changed immensely ever since however the new college kids haven't. I don't really have to go to school anymore now but I do take the shuttle to go to the gym and I see all these completely self-absorbed people entering the bus, phone under their ears, talking louder than you could imagine. Yesterday this girl was talking so loud, thank god I didn't have a bat. They don't say hi or thank you to the drivers (gosh, y'all must be thinking I'm running some kind of custodial appreciation day here lol). Then there are those who cannot wait for people to get off the bus first and just jump on it (ipod or phone in ears). Okay besides the bus etiquette violating crew, there are the kids who block doorways and entrances and expect you to squeeze through this sliver of a space that's barely enough for a squirrel--and this is after you've said 'excuse me' at least 3 times. Those are just a few instances of how some of us (former and current college students) become too self-centered to notice anything else. Will it change? Probably not anytime soon. I am glad my sister taught me that it's not always about you.

EDIT: This might be a personality/cultural problem and not so a 'college student' problem.


Lost in thought said...

Well written ! But the focus on College students were a bit biased (not because I'm one still !!). Its just a general thing. Back in Oman, I do see people more polite, then what you described. Its a problem a general culture problem, and less of a college student problem.. take care ..

2emkay said...

Hey well said, I dont wanna sound all Mr. Nice guy and all, but It does feel good to say a thank you to spmeone..especially to see their faces when they dint expect a thanks too!!!