Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Miss Gross

Yup thats me, at 1:50am, sitting with a gross tub of Perry's Maple Walnut Ice-cream. Well, its not gross, the timing I am eating at is gross and what effects it will have on me is grosser. Anyway, got this at Budweys for $1.99-- this huge, obnoxious thing for $1.99. Come on now thats a steal. I went for a 2 hour walk today, power walk and then came home and did some weights and topped it all with this. Oh well, I am one of those people who actually gives into cravings and actually lives a little. I was just sending some emails to Dad about some information he wanted. Also, watching some Bizarre Foods on the side, yeah he is in Ecuador eating ants. I am always in a fix about who I like more, Anthony Bourdain or Andrew Zimmern. They both have very different styles. I love the way Zimmern describes food using metaphors (eg: He once ate some durian and went like 'it tastes like stinky shoes with rotten onions in it' and this other time he was like 'you could deep-fry a tire and put some ranch on it and it'd taste good', emphasizing the combo of deep-fried food with ranch) and Bourdain is really good at describing circumstances in a story-telling sort of way. Okay, I am off to the bed for some magazine reading...you know lately, I have been waking up at like 5am (after going to sleep at 3am) for drawing...I am gross and weird. Okay, later gator.

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