Sunday, April 13, 2008

Engine Engine no. 9 ...

...On the New York Transit Line
If my train goes off the track
Pick it up!
Pick it up!
Pick it up!

So last night was random fun night hanging out with the lovelies, Gowri, Pratheep, Atanu and lots more. Yes I know that is serious 'crunch' time and we shouldn't be doing this but it was actually in honor of Pratheep's birthday, which was last Wednesday, and which he celebrated twice already and already got an earful from his darling big sister. I didn't want to give him an earful just because he is the sweetest person ever and is so young at heart and likes partying it up everyone now and then. More now than then lol. I am not big on going out and every one who knows me up, close and personal knows that about me. But one look at pictures on facebook and you could be fooled. It was a lot of fun though. We went to yet another spiffy place spotted by Miss G herself. It's called Stillwater and it was really nice except for the hard-to-mingle-and-move-around bar area. We then headed to duo later for some techno and trance fun. We were like the only ones there. By the time we were in duo, i was tres tired and sleepy---Its the time of the month. I still managed to get some dance probably looked funny, but like they say, girls could dance anything and it would still look okay.
Today has been rather slow, I am working on this mind-numbing article summary about online shopping and why people partake in online shopping for empirical reasons besides goal-oriented motives. Interesting. Although I think this study was published in 2001, I think over the last seven years, online shopping has achieved equivalent status of brick and mortar stores in terms of being easy, accessible and widely used. I have a killer back ache, wish I had one of those shiatsu massage chairs...or even better, a masseuse. Okay time to work smirk...Later :)

~Also, I recently told someone I don't like fat guys. I actually like a guy if his personality is nice so being fat, thin, tall, short is not a factor for me. It's that warmth factor that is important to me. And I am really not just saying that... I mean of course looks does matter but not to an extent where I would completely dismiss a person because of the way they looked. I have met many drop-dead gorgeous (by conventional standards) guys who turned me off completely when they started to talk. Sometimes a person's aura and charm shines through their layers and layers of glistening lipids. I am one to tell...I am bit of a fatty myself :-D

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